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UK Agricultural Insurance Solutions

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UK Agricultural Insurance Solutions

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UK Agricultural Insurance Solutions

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UK Agricultural Insurance Solutions


Introducing you to independent experts with a wealth of experience in Agricultural Insurance.

Our initial insurance brokers may not have an agricultural title, however agricultural insurance is very much their business and they are keen to expand their client bases and ensure you are being offered the best possible premium. aim is to help you and your farming businesses find appropriate insurance products, tailored to suit your specific requirements.

We will be partnering with more professional insurance brokers within the industry, enabling you to acquire the correct cover at a competitive premium.



Here’s a snapshot of the sectors that
our partners deal with:

  • Farming &

  • Agricultural

  • Agricultural

  • Farm

Types of insurance cover you can expect

  • Farm Insurance
  • Contractors Insurance
  • Buildings Insurance
  • Machinery & Plant Insurance
  • Motor Fleet Including Agricultural Vehicles*
  • Employers Liability
  • Personal Accident
  • Renewables

*Minimum number of vehicles may apply 

Please view our Agricultural Insurance Brokers below.

Wentworth Alexander

We have been meeting the insurance needs of our farm estates and agricultural clients for many years and have the expertise and experience to offer tailored, reliable services for small holdings to large estates, and cover trades including dairy, beef, arable and agricultural contracting.

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Scrutton Bland

As an independent broker we can obtain insurance quotes from a broad panel of the UKs leading insurers - meaning we can find the right cover for you, at competitive premiums. Our dedicated agricultural team has a wealth of experience in combining insurance expertise with specialist knowledge of this sector, which means we can help make sure you have the right cover in place to protect you and your livelihood.

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Insurance Linx

As experienced Agricultural Insurance specialists we realise that not every farm is the same and the challenges that each farmer faces require an insurance product with a bespoke approach. With this in mind we utilise our range of market leading insurers to tailor each policy to the individual farm’s needs. As independent brokers we are not tied to one insurer or scheme, which gives us the flexibility to put the farmers’ needs first.

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H & H Insurance Brokers

With over 30 years’ experience, H&H Insurance Brokers provides farm and rural businesses with bespoke insurance policies across the North of England, Scottish Borders and North Wales. From relatively small beginnings, the business has grown to be one of the largest specialist independent insurance brokers in the UK.

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